About...Valentine's Day

by Charmaine Ferrer

Valentine’s Day is a day that celebrates love. And what better way to celebrate this holiday than with gifts, flowers, candy and cards. But what is behind this holiday, and how did it come about? How did we come to celebrate love?

There is mystery that surrounds the history of Valentine’s Day, and the saint it was named after, St. Valentine. There are several different legends that surround St. Valentine. In the first legend, Valentine, a Christian, was persecuted and eventually executed for not converting to Roman paganism by Emperor Claudius II. It is reported that before he was executed, St. Valentine performed a miracle by healing the prison guard’s blind daughter.

The second legend, illustrates Valentine as a priest that refused to follow the law by Roman Emperor Claudius II that ordered that young men remain single as a way to grow his army. The Emperor believed that married men did not make good soldiers. Valentine refused this decree, secretly performing marriage ceremonies for young men and their brides. Valentine was thrown in jail when it was discovered that he was performing the ceremonies.

The third legend, which is a modern tale, and with no historical basis whatsoever, states that the night before Valentine was to be executed, he wrote the first ‘valentine’ card himself and addressed it to a young girl. He called her his beloved and was a note that read ‘From your Valentine’.

Whatever the legend  of how Valentine’s Day came to be, the holiday has evolved from the mere exchange of paper hearts, to a day filled with love: from chocolate and candy in heart shapes wrapped in heart-shaped boxes, to greeting cards that express sweet sentiments, to an abundance of pink and red flowers, and, of course, who can’t forget jewelry.

Spend the day of love with someone you love. Happy Valentine’s Day!